서비스 지원부서 채용 공고

정규직 통/번역사 채용


한국 관리본부 서비스 지원부서에서는 정직원으로 일할 통/번역사를 채용하고자 합니다. 


  1. Provide English to Korean and Korean to English side by sideand simultaneous interpretation for church leaders in meetings including devotionals, stake conferences, etc.
  2. Manage multiple translation projects simultaneously by effectively allocating resources.
  3. Find and train contractors and supervise and review their work.
  4. Record voices for audiovisual productions.
  5. Research, translate, review and proofread assigned materials including the Liahona, Textbooks, churchofjesuschrist.org, FamilySearch and S&I content and video subtitles and scripts.
  6. Take ownership of projects to improve the Church publishing services.



  1. Worthiness of holding a temple recommend.
  2. B.A. degree with 2-4y ears of work experience or equivalent.
  3. Knowledge of Church doctrine, policies and ecclesiastical organization preferred.
  4. Experience of interpretation including a volunteer work.
  5. Experience of project and resource management.
  6. Near native ability with both English and Korean.
  7. Effective research and problem-solving skills.
  8. Good communication and people skills.
  9. Good computer skills.(Trados, MicrosoftWord, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)

*Applicants may be accepted even if they do not meet all of the aforementioned qualifications.


입사 지원 마감일은 5월  31일이며, 이력서는 공고에 안내된 대로 온라인으로 제출해주시면 되겠습니다. 

기타 문의사항은 방아람 자매 이메일로 보내주십시오.(bangar@churchofjesuschrist.org)

자세한 지원 내용은 첨부된 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 번역사 채용 공고문 다운로드 링크

해당 업무의 특성상 공고문이 영어로만 제공되는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.